The associations must redefine its role in the current context of socio-economic, cultural and political lives our youth daily (poverty, school dropouts, unemployment, juvenile delinquency, suicide, …), these scourges and phenomena took momentum in recent years, it is the consequences of withdrawal of the state of its development role. Recognizing that development is a matter primarily vested in the state, the association will not replace the state, the association in this situation should seek to remedy the consequences of the withdrawal of the state, it must be a carrier of an alternative vision to the choice of power. Faced with this situation, the RAJ must redeploy the field by installing the maximum possible committees nationwide, and it must also strengthen its actions in a double register: 1. On the one hand, the RAJ must develop actions focused on proximity and local in citizen participation (especially the more remote localities) 2. On the other hand, the RAJ is called to integrate its strategies in the global fight, political advocacy, could contribute to a democratic reconfiguration of society. We must seek a vision that allows the associations to get out of the reactive approach and purely activist, for its action in a more strategic perspective that fosters the emergence of a real social movement with the proposed capacity and mobilization wide for the promotion of democratic values and empowerment of the rule of law. For this, it is important to: · Diversification field of action (social, cultural, environmental, sports, politics ..) depends on the needs of the community or the environment. · Encourage female participation in the association and its local and national bodies. · Encourage the advent of a more representative feminist movement that can contribute in a very significant way to the settlement of problems of (young) woman Algeria. To train an elite; The university and the intelligentsia should play a role by his intelligence service to his community, occupying the front of the public eye to express (thoughts) thought of his people, the counselor accurately, awaken awareness, enlighten, guide and sensitize society to the fight against all anti-values, for their rights and obligations. To do it, RAJ must give importance to the university and the students saw their ability to change things. · Building coalitions and networks at national, North African, Mediterranean and international. · Keep the battery life of the association in relation to the state and political parties: The RAJ must be vigilant and give thought to define a clear vision on formal grounds explaining the rights and duties of partners while maintaining our independence of thought, decision and action. Today, autonomy is defined not by the closure of associations on their external environment, but as soon as an opening to all stakeholders, in accordance with the missions and roles. We must draw clear lines between politics and associative, and define that they could be the pants and bridges between the two spaces in the public interest